A place that supports, respects and listens to young people
Our Story
After Care (NW) Limited is a family-owned business which was established in 2001 by professionals working within the care and psychotherapy sectors.
Their passion was driven by a shared interest in providing quality care to children and young people with therapeutic input, in order to make a real positive impact upon their lives. Both directors are hands on to ensure that our ethos underpins the support delivered to all our young people. Over the years, After Care (NW) Limited has steadily expanded, now having 8 homes that operate in the North West area.
Our Values

Providing homes for our children to create lasting memories

Our purpose is to make children feel safe and to ensure that safeguarding is at the centre of everything we do




What We Do
Our homes provide a high-quality living experience for children and young people aged 7-18 with an array of complex needs, including emotional behavioural difficulties, challenging behaviours and experience of trauma and abuse.
Bespoke therapeutic care packages are devised and tailored to meet the specific needs of each young person in our care.
We believe that therapy plays a fundamental role in each young person’s journey towards healing, and we are passionately driven to make changes to the lives and emotional well-being of every child we look after.
The young people in our care are at the centre of everything we do. We ensure to provide them with positive, meaningful relationships and experiences in keeping with our person-centred philosophy. Our teams are committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment with plentiful opportunity for our young people to grow and develop to their optimum potential.
“Managers and staff are very passionate and committed. Children and young people are at the centre of the home. There is a good ethos within the home, which promotes good outcomes for children.”
– Ofsted
Our aim at After Care (NW) Limited is to provide cohesive, person-centred care by implementing evidence-base interventions and monitoring change. We achieve this through our PRIME model in collaboration with Dr Miriam Silva and our other Clinical Psychologist colleagues at LifePsychol Ltd. The PRIME model tracks change in a young person’s behaviour as well as their emotional and mental well-being.
Our model introduces quality standards for children with complex needs, which our teams can put into effect. Using these quality standards, we can evidence the change in a young person’s well-being. Evidence like this is important as it means that here at After Care (NW) Limited, we can continually improve our service in order to provide the best care we possibly can. The PRIME model sets out a psychologically informed care plan pathway for Looked After Children.
Psychological assessment
Regular outcome measurement
Individualised care-planning targets
Multi-faceted formulations
Evidence-based interventions

Tracking a child’s progress over time
- This individualised care begins with gathering all of the information available about the young person and their story. This involves reading through the child’s existing care plan and file history as well as speaking with the key workers or carers of that child.
- Psychological assessments then take place with the young person. These are typically carried out by an Assistant Psychologist under the direct supervision of a Clinical Psychologist. This allows us to identify the specific needs for each child and the challenges they may face, such as; neurodevelopmental, emotional, behavioural and cognitive difficulties.
- Carers closest to the young person are provided with the BERRI (Behaviour, Emotional well-being, Risk, Relationships, and Indicators of other concerns) checklist to complete.
- From all of this information, we can discover what needs are currently being met and what requires intervention. This is then discussed within a multi-agency meeting, where a formulation about the child is made, and specific goals for the next 3 months are put into place. We can evidence from all of this data whether therapeutic intervention is required and if so, what kind is best for that young person and who it will be carried out by. From this, we create a high-quality care plan tailored to that child.
- With the specific goals in mind, the carers around the child continue to complete the BERRI checklist using the BERRI target tracking program. This is a goal-based outcome measurement tool, which allows carers to see visible change and track it over time.
- Strategies are reviewed weekly by consultation with the care team and can be modified if required.
- The multi-agency formulation meeting is conducted quarterly in order to update any targets that have been reached and assess whether any alternate strategies need to be put in to place.
Therapeutic Model
The BERRI checklist asks care providers to comment on a child’s current functioning in terms of their Behaviour, Emotional well-being, Risk, Relationships and Indicators of psychiatric or neurodevelopmental conditions that may need further assessment. Within our pathway the BERRI checklist is completed about every child every 3 months. This way we can track any change in a child’s needs and adapt our goal-based interventions according to that. It also allows us to visualise change through the use of graphs and spider diagrams, as well as compare a child’s progression to the rest of their cohort. It is recognised that how challenging a behaviour is to handle is determined by both the frequency and difficulty of that behaviour. The BERRI takes this into account by asking our teams about both of these factors. Scores are then used to produce a standardised report about that child, giving some general advice, as well as being one component in the psychological consultations we provide within the formulation meeting.
The multi-agency formulation meeting involves discussing how a child’s experiences have shaped their current behaviour, thoughts and feelings, what is maintaining any difficulties and what interventions might be possible. This meeting involves key people in that child’s care, such as; residential care workers, social workers, school teachers and the Clinical Psychologist. During the formulation meeting, 3 targets are identified to be worked on at any given time. The psychologist recommends a set of strategies for each target issue, which care teams can use on a daily basis. From looking at the information our teams provide psychological assessments and progress on the BERRI, it is discussed as to whether direct therapeutic work would be beneficial. The team then agrees on how to track these targets, which normally involves carers recording a daily score for each identified issue. This data can also be recorded into the BERRI online system to show change over time, alongside the full BERRI profile (which tracks overall progress). This allows us to identify factors that influence the child’s functioning on a day to day basis, such as whether strategies used by the staff are being effective, or whether external variables such as contact sessions or school and contributing to the difficulties. Tracking detailed as well as global progress helps us to see whether the intervention’s we are using are still appropriate and effective.
We can provide training for carers and professional networks around the child to understand attachment, the impact of trauma, child development, basic neuroscience and effective strategies for reparative care. This new evidence-based underpinning knowledge aids our teams in their day to day work and gives additional insight into understanding why Looked After children behave, think and feel the way that they do. Attending the training and participating in the pathway assists teams in gaining new skills as well as developing existing ones. It makes carers feel more confident within their role, as well as knowing that the interventions and tracking put in place are grounded in evidence.
The BERRI system also allows insights into the overall needs of the children within an organisation and allows us to gain an overview of their progress. It allows us to pick up any deterioration early and to intervene effectively, giving the best possible outcomes from the placement. The BERRI system is also designed to give service managers, commissioners and inspectors a greater insight in to the needs of the children and the progress they are making, with summary tables and user management features to show how reliably the system is being used and “traffic light” scores to highlight who is doing well, and give a picture of the overall status of the organisation.
Our Clinical Director Sheila Vaight, who has acquired a BACP Senior Accreditation in both Psychotherapy and Supervision; now a retired member will advise and allocate an appropriate therapist for our young people, in order to meet their individual needs. After Care (NW) Limited employ a male and female therapist who have worked with us for many years. We believe continuity of the same therapist is paramount in our young person’s therapeutic process. The number of sessions offered are open-ended and young people can re-engage with their therapist at any given time whilst in our care.
Edwin Schumann BACP Accredited Psychotherapist and Supervisor
“I have worked for After Care (NW) Limited providing psychotherapy sessions to young people since 2004. My grounding is in the Person-Centred approach, integrating other models of therapy and adjusting them to the needs of the client. I have gained Diploma’s in; Working with Children, Art Therapy, Play Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness in Schools Project. I have also had specific training related to working with children and young people in anger management, child abuse, child sex exploitation, self-harm, drugs and alcohol use. My working experience includes working in schools, charities and in private practice.”
Sheila Wakefield BACP Accredited Psychotherapist and Supervisor
“In 2007 I began working with young people in the care of After Care (NW) Limited. My grounding is in Person-Centred Therapy; however, I mainly work with a more eclectic approach using a variety of different models of therapy to suit the individual client. My training includes Solution Focused Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness and Motivational Interviewing. Specific training and workshops related to working with children include The Solihull Approach, working with the angry child, drawing and talking, self-harm, and working creatively with the child. I have worked in schools, colleges, children’s support agencies, women’s refuge, NHS and in private practice.”
“I greatly enjoy having the opportunity to make a real difference to young people’s lives. By allowing the therapeutic space to explore, discuss and reflect on their individual trauma enables them in their process of recovery.”
– After Care (NW) Limited therapist
Therapeutic Crisis Intervention
We believe that our response to young people’s behaviours is integral to their learning experiences and development of resilience, in order to overcome adversity.
The Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) model teaches our teams how to effectively assist our young people with learning positive strategies to handle crisis, whilst establishing a safe environment and promoting growth and development. The skills, knowledge and professional judgement of our team’s response to crises are critical factors in helping our young people learn constructive and adaptive ways to deal with frustration, failure, anger, rejection, hurt and depression.
TCI was introduced into our mandatory training in 2014, and has proven to be a highly valuable asset in the care we provide to our young people. The framework also benefits our teams as they have a greater understanding of the impact they can have on our young people’s lives. Our in-house trainers have over 15 years’ experience of delivering TCI training, and are passionate about the ethos of TCI and its successful use within residential child care settings.
Having our teams equipped with TCI enables them to prevent crises from occurring, de-escalating potential crises, effectively managing acute crises and reducing potential and actual injury to young people and carers. It also teaches effective ways to handle stressful situations, and developing a learning circle within After Care (NW) Limited.

At After Care (NW) Limited, we believe all education is a key part in a young person’s journey. We recognise that each young person has different needs and finding the most suited education facility is integral in their development.
We have two appointed tutors who are fully qualified QTS teachers. They have extensive knowledge across a range of educational provisions and many years of experience working with young people with both complex learning and behavioural needs. In most cases the young people have faced many challenges and have huge gaps in their learning due to school absence. We provide one-to-one tutoring that is high-quality and personalised for each individual child. A flexible approach aims to re-engage young people back into learning, address gaps and support them in the interim period before a suitable placement is sourced. Our tutors work closely with education providers to ensure equality of provision and that any transitions are smooth and successful.
We work in close partnership with the young people’s statutory education providers and are flexible in offering appropriate additional support as required.
Our aim is to provide a broad range of bespoke person-centred learning across a wide range of subjects including Music, English, Maths, Home Economics, Art, IT, Music Therapy and Fitness & Well Being. We foster a therapeutic approach towards teaching and learning and aim to widen their horizons and help them reach their potential. Each young person has their own Record of Achievement and every individual works towards recognised awards and qualifications during their care with After Care (NW) Limited. These range from AQA Units of Achievement to GCSE. We work closely with a range of alternative educational providers to meet individual needs and have links with many training providers in the community for Post 16 students who wish to gain work experience.
“It was great to see the students work and completing their tasks. It is obvious that the centre have been very rigorous in their approach. I would like to thank the centre staff for successfully administrating and delivering these units”
– AQA Education
After Care (NW) Plus Ltd – 16+
As young people get older having developed appropriate skills and increasing their level of independence, After Care (NW) Plus Limited can offer the opportunity for young people to move into a shared semi-independent living environment. Care teams working within this facility offer practical advice and support to service users to help them develop their independent living skills further.
The service aims to provide a quality living experience for service users, promoting self-awareness and encouraging the development of self-identity, while acknowledging the need for service users to be alert to the need of others. It is an underlying principle that service users develop as competent individuals if they are respected and appreciated.
We aim to celebrate the individual nature of service users to equally advocate for them in a manner that promotes their safe personal and emotional development.
Service users receive a positive programme of support based on their individual needs, in order to ensure that they remain focussed on their personal goals and aspirations. We will arrange for any specialist care or interventions as agreed with the placing authority and the service user. We will always ensure that there are adequate and experienced carers within the house to provide support for the service users who live there. Age on admission is generally 16+, although there is no upper age limit. We can offer accommodation for six service users across our two semi-independent homes.
Careers and Recruitment
We are recruiting compassionate, self-motivated individuals who have the desire to make a difference to the lives of young people we look after. We provide our teams with continuous training so that you can fully develop in your role and progress in a career in this field with us.
Competitive salary with overtime available
Pension scheme
Continuous training
Cash back health plan
Opportunity for career progression
Available Roles
Residential Support Worker
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Salary: £10.83 per hour for 173.33 hours per month = £1,877.16 per month, plus £76 per sleep-in for 12 sleep-ins per month on average (first 4 are inclusive) = 8 paid at £608 per month
Forecasted yearly salary between £22,525.96 and £29,821.92 per annum
Holidays: 5.6 weeks per annum
Job Purpose:
To support children and young people in a homely environment to meet their individual needs and make a real positive impact on their lives. To ensure that children are safeguarded at all times.
Key Outputs:
- Be a part of a caring team that provides a safe and loving home for children and young people in order for them to create lasting memories
- Make children feel safe and secure and act as a positive role model in order to meet their everyday needs
- Provide emotional support to allow children to overcome boundaries and limitations
- Role model a passion for learning and empower children to make their own decisions about themselves
- Build trust and promote positive relationships
- Celebrate children’s achievements and help them find pleasure in everyday tasks
- Carry out day to day household duties such as cooking, cleaning and washing
Key Activities:
- To assist and support the management team in the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s ethos and policies and procedures
- To provide consistent assessment, evaluation and review of children’s on-going needs in order to contribute to underpinning care plans and risk assessments
- To undertake the role of a key worker to an individual child, taking on responsibility for specific areas of care and support. To facilitate and support the child in decision making, promoting choice and involvement. This includes ensuring all medical and therapeutic needs are met and advocating and supporting the child to express their feelings, needs, wants / wishes
- To support, supervise and participate in children’s everyday social, educational and recreational activities in line with care plans
- To promote and support children to attend all appointments and meetings planned
- To work in a way that demonstrates an understanding and commitment to the rights of children with emotional and challenging behaviours
- To promote good practice within your team in accordance with the homes Statement of Purpose and Function and After Care (NW) Limited’s Policies and Procedures
- To support and encourage children to maintain acceptable levels of personal and environmental hygiene and make healthy life choices
- To participate and contribute in young person’s weekly meetings and, where appropriate, LAC reviews / strategy meetings and any other relevant professional meetings
- To practice maximum integrity at all times, remembering you are a role model in all interactions whilst on duty
- To ensure that all records and relevant information is kept up to date, recorded and filed in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s Safer Caring, Privacy and Confidentiality, Reporting and Recording and GDPR policies
- To work closely with children’s families, friends and significant others who are involved in their lives (where appropriate) to promote and plan contact and travel plans
- To manage delegated finances / budgets appropriately and responsibly, ensuring accurate receipts are recorded and submitted
- To understand and ensure the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s Health and Safety policy, emergency and fire procedures, and participate in the completion of risk assessments when required
- To promote safe working practice within After Care (NW) Limited
- To attend all designated training days / courses, on and off site and e-learning as and when required. To maintain professional knowledge and competence in line with on-going legislation
- You must commit to regular supervision and monthly team meetings in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s policy and procedures
- To ensure that the home and company vehicles are cleaned and well maintained throughout your time on duty. To ensure any defaults, damaged or ineffective equipment or any potential hazard is reported to your line manager and Head Office
- To make all visitors to the home feel welcome and provide refreshments / assistance as and when required
- To complete any other relevant duties as required and directed by your line manager
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation.
Waking Night Support Worker
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Salary: £10.10 per hour from 10pm – 8am
Holidays: 5.6 weeks per annum
Job Purpose:
To support children and young people in a homely environment to meet their individual needs and make a real positive impact on their lives. To ensure that children are safeguarded at all times.
Key Outputs:
- Be a part of a caring team that provides a safe and loving home for children and young people in order for them to create lasting memories
- Make children feel safe and secure and act as a positive role model in order to meet their everyday needs
- Provide emotional support to allow children to overcome boundaries and limitations
- Role model a passion for learning and empower children to make their own decisions about themselves
- Build trust and promote positive relationships
- Celebrate children’s achievements and help them find pleasure in everyday tasks
- Carry out day to day household duties such as cooking, cleaning and washing
Key Activities:
- To assist and support the management team in the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s ethos and policies and procedures
- To provide consistent assessment, evaluation and review of children’s on-going needs in order to contribute to underpinning care plans and risk assessments
- To undertake the role of a key worker to an individual child, taking on responsibility for specific areas of care and support. To facilitate and support the child in decision making, promoting choice and involvement. This includes ensuring all medical and therapeutic needs are met and advocating and supporting the child to express their feelings, needs, wants / wishes
- To support, supervise and participate in children’s everyday social, educational and recreational activities in line with care plans
- To promote and support children to attend all appointments and meetings planned
- To work in a way that demonstrates an understanding and commitment to the rights of children with emotional and challenging behaviours
- To promote good practice within your team in accordance with the homes Statement of Purpose and Function and After Care (NW) Limited’s Policies and Procedures
- To support and encourage children to maintain acceptable levels of personal and environmental hygiene and make healthy life choices
- To participate and contribute in young person’s weekly meetings and, where appropriate, LAC reviews / strategy meetings and any other relevant professional meetings
- To practice maximum integrity at all times, remembering you are a role model in all interactions whilst on duty
- To ensure that all records and relevant information is kept up to date, recorded and filed in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s Safer Caring, Privacy and Confidentiality, Reporting and Recording and GDPR policies
- To work closely with children’s families, friends and significant others who are involved in their lives (where appropriate) to promote and plan contact and travel plans
- To manage delegated finances / budgets appropriately and responsibly, ensuring accurate receipts are recorded and submitted
- To understand and ensure the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s Health and Safety policy, emergency and fire procedures, and participate in the completion of risk assessments when required
- To promote safe working practice within After Care (NW) Limited
- To attend all designated training days / courses, on and off site and e-learning as and when required. To maintain professional knowledge and competence in line with on-going legislation
- You must commit to regular supervision and monthly team meetings in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s policy and procedures
- To ensure that the home and company vehicles are cleaned and well maintained throughout your time on duty. To ensure any defaults, damaged or ineffective equipment or any potential hazard is reported to your line manager and Head Office
- To make all visitors to the home feel welcome and provide refreshments / assistance as and when required
- To complete any other relevant duties as required and directed by your line manager
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation
Relief Residential Support Worker
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Salary: £9.50 per hour, plus £76 per sleep-in and holiday pay
Job Purpose:
To support children and young people in a homely environment to meet their individual needs and make a real positive impact on their lives. To ensure that children are safeguarded at all times.
Key Outputs:
- Be a part of a caring team that provides a safe and loving home for children and young people in order for them to create lasting memories
- Make children feel safe and secure and act as a positive role model in order to meet their everyday needs
- Provide emotional support to allow children to overcome boundaries and limitations
- Role model a passion for learning and empower children to make their own decisions about themselves
- Build trust and promote positive relationships
- Celebrate children’s achievements and help them find pleasure in everyday tasks
- Carry out day to day household duties such as cooking, cleaning and washing
Key Activities:
- To assist and support the management team in the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s ethos and policies and procedures
- To provide consistent assessment, evaluation and review of children’s on-going needs in order to contribute to underpinning care plans and risk assessments
- To undertake the role of a key worker to an individual child, taking on responsibility for specific areas of care and support. To facilitate and support the child in decision making, promoting choice and involvement. This includes ensuring all medical and therapeutic needs are met and advocating and supporting the child to express their feelings, needs, wants / wishes
- To support, supervise and participate in children’s everyday social, educational and recreational activities in line with care plans
- To promote and support children to attend all appointments and meetings planned
- To work in a way that demonstrates an understanding and commitment to the rights of children with emotional and challenging behaviours
- To promote good practice within your team in accordance with the homes Statement of Purpose and Function and After Care (NW) Limited’s Policies and Procedures
- To support and encourage children to maintain acceptable levels of personal and environmental hygiene and make healthy life choices
- To participate and contribute in young person’s weekly meetings and, where appropriate, LAC reviews / strategy meetings and any other relevant professional meetings
- To practice maximum integrity at all times, remembering you are a role model in all interactions whilst on duty
- To ensure that all records and relevant information is kept up to date, recorded and filed in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s Safer Caring, Privacy and Confidentiality, Reporting and Recording and GDPR policies
- To work closely with children’s families, friends and significant others who are involved in their lives (where appropriate) to promote and plan contact and travel plans
- To manage delegated finances / budgets appropriately and responsibly, ensuring accurate receipts are recorded and submitted
- To understand and ensure the implementation of After Care (NW) Limited’s Health and Safety policy, emergency and fire procedures, and participate in the completion of risk assessments when required
- To promote safe working practice within After Care (NW) Limited
- To attend all designated training days / courses, on and off site and e-learning as and when required. To maintain professional knowledge and competence in line with on-going legislation
- You must commit to regular supervision and monthly team meetings in line with After Care (NW) Limited’s policy and procedures
- To ensure that the home and company vehicles are cleaned and well maintained throughout your time on duty. To ensure any defaults, damaged or ineffective equipment or any potential hazard is reported to your line manager and Head Office
- To make all visitors to the home feel welcome and provide refreshments / assistance as and when required
- To complete any other relevant duties as required and directed by your line manager
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation
Deputy Homes Manager
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Salary: £12.01 per hour for 173.33 hours per month = £2,081.69 per month, plus the first 4 sleep-ins paid at £30 per month, any additional paid at £76 per month. 12 sleep-ins per month average = £728 per month
Forecasted yearly salary between £25,000 and £33,716.28
Holidays: 200 hours, plus statutory bank holidays per annum
Job Purpose:
To be responsible for the daily care of young people, ensuring consistent planning and programme implementation is entirely congruent with the organisation’s aims and objectives and philosophy, whilst meeting each individual child’s needs. To support the Homes Manager in the daily management of the home, staff and young people.
Key Outputs (to support the Homes Manager):
- To ensure that all the young people are treated with concern, respect and integrity
- To manage individual and team performance to ensure a standard of excellent service delivery
- To seek, evaluate, organise and exchange information for action
- To ensure all expenditure is monitored, controlled and accounted for
- To ensure that the care of all the young people is clearly planned, reviewed and designed to meet realistic objectives in line with their individual needs
- Implement evidence-based interventions through use of our BERRI model in conjunction with our Clinical Psychologists
Key Activities (to support the Homes Manager):
- To manage and oversee the daily routine and programmes for the young person ensuring these are carried out consistently by all team members and in line with care plans
- To ensure the teams maintain the daily living environment to a good standard
- To produce COSHH and Risk Assessments and Health & Safety processes on the young person’s home
- To ensure all recorded information in the young person’s home conforms to statutory requirements and is of a high standard, including contribution to all review/care planning documentation
- To ensure monthly Regulation 44 and six-monthly Regulation 45 audits/reviews are completed
- To seek, receive and share relevant information on behalf of the teams
- To manage the financial matters of the teams, monitoring, completing and returning as requested, all documentation regarding budgets, transport, time sheets, sickness and annual leave
- To ensure all recorded information for budget and transport meet with the organisation requirements
- To participate in an out-of-hours support system (on-call)
- To manage rotas and staff training schedules
- To manage the induction process of new carers
- To supervise residential child care workers monthly, identify their needs and recommend appropriate staff training. Keep all records of supervision sessions as directed by your Homes Manager
- To attend regular Homes Manager’s meetings (when required)
- To attend Homes Manager’s training (when required)
- To organise and attend team meetings, providing minutes of same
- To provide an annual homes development review report
- To maintain a high standard of personal presentation promoting a professional organisational image
- To develop oneself within the role (continuous professional development)
Key Challenges:
- To manage a high-quality service that meets the needs of young people and ensure their participation and integration in the social, economic and political life of the wider community
- To ensure maximum service provision from the efficient use of resources
- To develop innovative work and creative programmes
- To provide standards of excellence
- To fully manage the service in the absence of the Homes Manager
- To support the decisions and actions of the home’s Registered Manage
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation
Senior Deputy Homes Manager
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Salary: £30,000 per annum
Hours: 37.5 hours per week (Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm)
Holidays: 200 hours, plus statutory bank holidays per annum
Job Purpose:
To be responsible for the daily care of young people, ensuring consistent planning and programme implementation is entirely congruent with the organisation’s aims and objectives and philosophy, whilst meeting each individual child’s needs. To support the Homes Manager in the daily management of the home, staff and young people.
Key Outputs (to support the Homes Manager):
- To ensure that all the young people are treated with concern, respect and integrity
- To manage individual and team performance to ensure a standard of excellent service delivery
- To seek, evaluate, organise and exchange information for action
- To ensure all expenditure is monitored, controlled and accounted for
- To ensure that the care of all the young people is clearly planned, reviewed and designed to meet realistic objectives in line with their individual needs
- To support and guide your care team in order for them to provide the highest standards of care to all young people
- Encourage and support young people with engagement in therapies, education anjd developing their independent life skills
- Implement evidence-based interventions through use of our BERRI model in conjunction with our Clinical Psychologists
Key Activities (to support the Homes Manager):
- To manage and oversee the daily routine and programmes for the young person ensuring these are carried out consistently by all team members and remain in line with care plans
- To ensure the teams maintain the daily living environment to a good standard
- To liaise with various internal and external professionals and commissioning authorities to ensure that the care needs of new and existing young people are met
- To produce COSHH and Risk Assessments and Health & Safety processes on the young person’s home
- To ensure that all clinical practices and medication processes within the home are conducted in line with legislation
- To ensure all recorded information in the young person’s home conforms to statutory requirements and is of a high standard, including contribution to all review/care planning documentation
- To ensure monthly Regulation 44 and six-monthly Regulation 45 audits/reviews are completed
- To seek, receive and share relevant information on behalf of the teams
- To manage the financial matters of the teams, monitoring, completing and returning as requested, all documentation regarding budgets, transport, time sheets, sickness and annual leave
- To participate in an out-of-hours support system (on-call)
- To ensure all recorded information for budget and transport meet with the organisation requirements
- To manage rotas and staff training schedules
- To contribute to the induction process of new carers
- To supervise residential child care workers monthly, identify their needs and recommend appropriate staff training. Keep all records of supervision sessions as directed by your Homes Manager
- To attend regular Homes Manager’s meetings (when required)
- To attend Homes Manager’s training (when required)
- To organise and attend team meetings, providing minutes of same
- To provide an annual homes development review report
- To maintain a high standard of personal presentation promoting a professional organisational image
- To develop oneself within the role (continuous professional development)
Key Challenges:
- To manage a high-quality service that meets the needs of young people and ensure their participation and integration in the social, economic and political life of the wider community
- To ensure maximum service provision from the efficient use of resources
- To develop innovative work and creative programmes
- To provide standards of excellence
- To fully manage the service in the absence of the Homes Manager
- To support the decisions and actions of the home’s Registered Manager
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation
Homes Manager
Location: Southport, Merseyside
Hours: 37.5 hours per week (Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm)
Holidays: 200 hours, plus statutory bank holidays per annum
Homes occupancy: 2/3 bed
Job Purpose:
As the Registered Manager, you will be responsible for the daily care of children and young people, ensuring consistent planning and programme implementation is entirely congruent with the organisation’s aims and objectives and philosophy, whilst meeting each individual child’s needs.
You will be expected to submit an application to Ofsted for the post of Registered Manager and also successfully undertake a Fit Person interview.
Key Outputs:
- Ensure an efficient operation of the residential home and service in accordance with the relevant legislation, policies, procedures and the homes Statement of Purpose and Function
- Manage a caring team that provides a safe and loving home for children and young people in order for them to create lasting memories
- Ensure that the care provided to all young people is clearly planned, reviewed and designed to meet realistic objectives in line with their individual needs
- Support and guide your care team in order for them to provide the highest standards of care to all young people
- Implement evidence-based interventions through use of our BERRI model in conjunction with our Clinical Psychologists
- Encourage and support young people with engagement in therapies, education and developing their independent life skills
Key Activities:
- To manage individual and team performance to ensure that a standard of excellent service delivery
- To ensure all expenditure is monitored, controlled and accounted for
- To contribute to the development of appropriate relationships between the care team, young people and other stakeholders
- To ensure your care team maintain the daily living environment to a good standard
- To ensure all recorded information in the young person’s home conforms to statutory requirements and is of a high standard
- To liaise with various internal and external professionals and commissioning authorities to ensure that the care needs of new and existing young people are met
- To ensure that all clinical practices and medication processes within the home are conducted in line with legislation
- To ensure all recorded information in your care home conforms to statutory requirements and is of a high standard
- To manage and oversee the daily routine and programmes for young people ensuring these are carried out consistently by all care team members and remain in line with care plans
- To manage the financial matters of your home and teams such as weekly budgets, transport, time sheets, sickness and annual leave
- To ensure monthly Regulation 44 and six-monthly Regulation 45 audits / reviews are completed
- To participate in an out-of-hours support system
- To manage your homes rotas, monitor your teams training and organise and attend care team meetings providing minutes of same
- To produce COSHH, Risk Assessments and Health & Safety processes on your home
- To complete any other relevant duties as required and directed by your Managers’
- To assist Human Resources with interviewing
- To manage the induction process of new carers
- To supervise your care teams monthly, identify their needs and recommend appropriate training whilst keeping all records of supervision training
- To annually appraise carers
- To attend Home’s Manager’s training and meetings
- To participate in disciplinary procedures
- To provide an annual homes development review report
- To maintain a high standard of personal presentation, promoting a professional organisational image
- To actively develop oneself in the role
- Key Challenges:
- To manage a high-quality service that meets the needs of young people and ensure their participation and integration in the social, economic and political life of the wider community
- To ensure maximum service provision from the efficient use of resources
- To develop innovative work and creative programmes
- To provide standards of excellence
Additional Duties:
It is the nature of the work of After Care (NW) Limited that tasks and responsibilities are in many circumstances, unpredictable and varied. All carers are, therefore, expected to work in a flexible way when the occasion arises, when tasks not specifically covered in their job description have to be undertaken. These additional duties will normally be to cover unforeseen circumstances or changes in work and they will normally be compatible with the regular type of work. If the additional responsibility or task becomes a regular or frequent part of a carers job, it will be included in the job description in consultation with the member of the care team.
Company Benefits:
- Birthday and Christmas Amazon vouchers
- 6 weeks annual leave
- NEST pension scheme
- Full induction programme
- Fully funded NVQ Diploma Level 4 Children, Young People and Families Practitioner
- Continuous professional development
- Opportunity for career progression
- Competitive salary with overtime available
- Enhanced DBS paid for by us
- MEDICASH health and well-being plan
- Cash back for dental, optical, hospital treatments and stays, therapy treatments
- Virtual 24/7 GP and mental health support
- Specialist consultations and diagnostic tests
- Cover for your children at no extra cost
- Discounted gym memberships
- Pocket well-being guide to yoga, fitness, mindfulness, meditation
What People Say
“I could not wish for my child to be in a better place with better people”
Parent, 2022
Ofsted Inspector, 2021
I believe the support and encouragement that I have received from staff enabled me to achieve my GCSE’s, a College Diploma, and a role within After Care (NW) Limited as a Residential Care Worker. I encompass the values and principles of After Care (NW) Limited’s employees as I have experienced and benefitted from them first-hand. I am pleased to have now discovered my path and identity and become a part of enabling other young people to do the same – thank you.”
Young Person aged 21
“Managers and staff are very passionate and committed. Children and young people are at the centre of the home. There is a good ethos within the home, which promotes good outcomes for children.”
“I have been with After Care (NW) Limited for nearly 12 months now, and I have been very happy here. The staff are great and supportive. They listen to me when needed and are easy to talk to. They are really friendly and understanding. There is a great professional team around me. I always feel supported as the staff are caring and always there. There is a great atmosphere and I always feel safe. They are friendly and will listen to you. I don’t feel ignored. My stay here has helped me to move on in my life as I feel more confident in myself.
I have had the opportunity to gain many qualifications from my education. It’s never boring, and there is always something to learn from my different tutors. When you are 16 you can do training programmes and work placements. There is always something to do with a variety of activities. I have enjoyed taking part in sailing, kayaking, go karting, personal fitness, caving, cinema and going to music concerts. In September 2019 I completed the Tough Mudder which was a great achievement for me personally. I will miss my stay here at After Care (NW) Limited and will always appreciate everything the staff here have done for me.”
Young Person aged 16
“We really do appreciate your real commitment to working with us in the best interests of our young people.”
Local Authority
“Young people talked positively about their staff and how well they help and support them. Young people feel valued and listened to and have a sense of belonging.”
“I greatly enjoy having the opportunity to make a real difference to young people’s lives. By allowing the therapeutic space to explore, discuss and reflect on their individual trauma enables them in their process of recovery.”
After Care (NW) Limited therapist
Contact us
Office Hours Call 01704 535306
Emergencies Call 07960 726828